Workplace Affairs: Which Industries Are Prone to Infidelity?

Top 10 jobs workers most likely to cheat - and the most faithful
Top 10 jobs workers most likely to cheat - and the most faithful

Infidelity at the Workplace: Which Industries Are Most Vulnerable?

Research has shown that cheating on your partner at work is more common than one might think. With people spending a significant portion of their time in the workplace, it's no surprise that it can become a way to escape from home life.

Studies reveal that approximately 85 percent of affairs originate in the workplace, with one in five employees admitting to being unfaithful with a colleague. A recent survey conducted by UK online gaming company RANT Casino now sheds light on a startling statistic: 43 percent of workers confess to having an affair with a coworker.

Where do these workplace affairs typically occur? The majority transpire within the workplace itself (25 percent). Work-related events (21 percent), business trips (14 percent), and meetings outside of work (17 percent) also serve as common settings for these transgressions.

It's a hard truth to accept, but if your partner works in specific industries, they statistically have a higher likelihood of cheating on you. The report reveals that individuals in the sales profession are the most likely to be unfaithful with their coworkers. The irregular working hours, numerous work functions, and networking events in the sales industry make it a prime breeding ground for infidelity.

Here are the top professions most likely to cheat:

1. Sales - 14.5%
2. Teacher, training, and education - 13.7%
3. Healthcare - 12.5%
4. Transport and logistics - 9.8%
5. Hospitality and events management - 7.7%
6. Engineering and manufacturing - 6.6%
7. Property and construction - 5.5%
8. Accountancy, banking, and finance - 5.4%
9. Information technology - 4.6%
10. Armed Forces - 4%

On the flip side, partners of individuals working in science and pharmaceuticals, business management, and law enforcement can breathe a sigh of relief, as these professions are deemed the most faithful among all 25 industries analyzed.

Here are the top professions least likely to cheat:

1. Science and pharmaceuticals - 0.1%
2. Business, consulting, and management - 0.1%
3. Law enforcement and security - 0.2%
4. Creative arts and design - 0.4%
5. Media and internet - 0.5%
6. Law/Legal - 0.5%
7. Environment and agriculture - 0.6%
8. Marketing, advertising, and PR - 0.9%
9. Public services and administration - 1.3%
10. Retail - 1.4%

If your partner falls into one of the high-risk professions, take heart in knowing that even flirting with a colleague, developing romantic feelings for someone at work, or having a 'work spouse' all counted as forms of infidelity in the survey.


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